We want you to have all the information you need about our website, so if you have any questions or need more info about our disclaimer, just reach out to us using the Contact Us page.

We publish all the info on our site in good faith and just for general knowledge. But please note that we don't make any promises about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of the info you find here. So if you decide to use any of the information on our website, you do so at your own risk. We won't be held responsible for any problems that might come up from using our website.

Sometimes we include links to other websites on our site. We try to only link to sites that are helpful and ethical, but we can't control the content or nature of those external sites. Just be aware that when you leave our site and go to another site, their policies might be different from ours. So check their Privacy Policies and Terms of Service before you do anything there.

If you use our website, it means you agree to our disclaimer and all its terms. And if we ever make changes to our disclaimer, we'll let you know right here.

Thanks for reading and happy browsing!

Best regards,

Yayok Sucahyo Widi

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