Rayana and Rayani are sisters who live in a small hut on the edge of the forest, with their father and stepmother. Rayana and Rayani's birth mother has passed away. They live in poverty, and because of their poverty, the stepmother often treats Rayana and Rayani badly.

One night, Stepmother said to Father, “The food supply is running low and there isn't enough for all of us. I can't feed the kids anymore. Take them to the forest and leave them there.”

Secretly, Rayana and Rayani listen to their parents' conversations and they are worried.

"Oh!" sobbed Rayani.

"Don't cry, Rayani," said Rayana, "If they leave us in the forest, I will find a way to find my way home."

Rayana secretly went out and collected small pebbles. The pebbles were kept in his trouser pocket.

 The next morning, Stepmother wakes them up.

"We're going to the forest. You have to come along,” said the stepmother as she gave each one a piece of roasted sweet potato.

On the way to the middle of the forest, Rayana drops small pebbles every few steps.

Arriving in the middle of the forest, they stopped and rested.

"Kids, you guys rest here first. Father and Mother will look for firewood. Wait till we come back,” said Father.

Rayana and Rayani nodded. They are tired and hungry. They eat roasted sweet potatoes. And after that they feel sleepy. They fell asleep under a tree in the middle of the forest.

When they woke up, it was already very dark. It turned out that Father and Stepmother did not come back to pick them up. Rayani started to sob uncontrollably. Rayana advised her sister, "Don't worry, wait until the moon rises, we will go home safely."

When the moon had risen, they walked hand in hand. Rayana memorized the place where she had thrown the pebble. That's the way that leads them back home.

Father and Stepmother were surprised to see them coming home.

"Tomorrow we have to take them further into the forest, so they won't be able to come home," said the Stepmother, in the evening.

Rayana and Rayani trembled at their stepmother's words. Rayani feels very sad but Rayana always cheers her up.

The next morning, they walked back into the forest. This time further than the previous day. Stepmother gave them a lunch of tough baked sweet potatoes.

On the way, Rayana crushed the sweet potato into small pieces and threw it as a sign like yesterday.

Just like yesterday, they were left in the middle of the forest to fall asleep. When they wake up, they find their way home by following the pieces of yam. But it turned out that the pieces of sweet potato had been eaten by the birds. Finally they got lost and could not go home.

Midnight in the middle of the forest is very dark. Rayana and Rayani are cold and hungry. Suddenly they saw a point of light at the end of the forest. They walked through the darkness towards that point of light.

They reached that point of light when morning came and the sun was out. It turned out that the point of light came from the window of a cottage in the middle of the forest. The hut smelled of food that looked really good. They quickly approached the hut.

It turned out that the walls of the hut were made of very delicious cookie dough. The roof is made of various fruit trees, which are very fresh and ripe. The door is made of a vegetable tree whose leaves are ready to eat.

Because Rayana and Rayani were very hungry, they immediately scooped up the walls of the hut and ate them. It turns out a very tasty cake dough. They then picked the fruit that stretched from the roof of the hut. Hmmm, so delicious. They also ate fresh green leaves at the door of the hut.

While they were enjoying their meal, they heard screams from inside the house.

"What animal, early in the morning has made noise on the walls, roof and door of my house!!"

Rayana and Rayani were shocked. They hide behind the opened door. They saw an old woman coming out, limping along with a cane in hand. There was no mistake, what they saw was a Witch!

She is a very evil witch granny! The one who deliberately made huts out of various kinds of food to attract people to come, then used his supernatural powers as a sacrifice!

With their magic power, Rayana and Rayani were caught and put in a big cage inside the hut. Rayana and Rayani are afraid that they will be sacrificed by the evil witch.

“You are still too young to be sacrificed. You have to eat a lot of good food to grow up fast. And you also have to help me prepare the delicious food. You, little girl, your job is to help me make delicious food. And you, young man, it is your job to prepare firewood. You can look for firewood around here, but you won't be able to escape s from my watch. Hihihihihi…,” said the Witch.

Since that day, Rayana and Rayani have carried out their duties at the witch's hut. They don't feel hungry anymore. Every day they eat delicious and nutritious food. Making their bodies bigger and stronger.

But they are also worried, because the bigger they are, the closer the time is to become the victim of the Witch's powers. Nutritious food makes Rayana's brain smart. So he found a way to fight the Witch. Rayana secretly whispers her plan to Rayani. Rayani understands and nods in agreement.

That morning, Rayana and Rayani intend to carry out the plan.

“Rayani! Why did you take so long to light the stove to cook! You have to eat breakfast soon so you grow up fast!” cried the Witch.

"Don't know why today the furnace won't light!" Rayani said.

"You stupid! No wonder the furnace does not want to light up! The firewood is still wet!” shouted the Witch angrily.

"It's the rainy season now. It is very difficult to find dry firewood," said Rayana.

“You guys are useless! Get out of the way you guys! Let me do it myself!” said the Witch as she approached the stove.

The Witch bowed, then with her magic, the fire of the furnace was very large in an instant. Seeing this opportunity, Rayana and Rayani immediately pushed the body of the Witch who was still bent. Rayana and Rayani now have quite strong energy, unlike before. The Witch didn't have time to dodge. He fell pushed into the flames of the enormous furnace. The Witch was killed instantly.

Rayana and Rayani are happy and relieved, because they are safe from being sacrificed by the Witch.

"Let's go home soon, Rayani!" invite Rayana.

"Wait! I want to show you something!” Rayani said.

Rayani shows Rayana a secret storage place belonging to the Witch. In that place there is a box full of gold jewels. Rayana and Rayani are more than happy to see it.

The two brothers immediately left the hut made of various foods. Not forgetting they brought quite a lot of supplies, because finding their way home would be very difficult and long, maybe it could take several days.

And finally, after a few days of trying to find their way home, they saw the little hut where they used to live. Father greeted their arrival with emotion and tears.

It turned out that their stepmother had died of an illness. Rayana and Rayani do not hold grudges. They realize all this happened because of poverty. They forgave their father. And with the box of jewelry they got, they wouldn't be in trouble anymore. They live happily ever after.***


Retold by: Yayok Sucahyo Widi

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