The expression after watching an action movie


Watching action genre movies will indirectly get your adrenaline racing. Action movies are usually full of fighting scenes, fights, shootouts, wars, explosions, speeding, and so on. And these scenes can make the rhythm of the heart beat faster, blood pressure rises even without realizing it, and the respiratory rate becomes faster. These things trigger the rise of adrenaline.

Someone who has just watched an action movie, as soon as they leave the cinema, usually walks more upright. His eyes were rather sharp, both when looking in front of him and around him. Adrenaline reacts to make it seem as if the body feels stronger than before. Meanwhile, his brain seemed to have been refreshed, as if he had just received new knowledge or new powers. Ready to accept the challenges that lie ahead. In general, Action will be a bit more aggressive than usual, but within reasonable limits.

The expression after watching a comedy movie


Watching comedy movies by some experts is highly recommended. Comedy movies have a positive impact, especially to relieve fatigue and burden, both physical and psychological. Listening to funny scenes in comedy films will add enthusiasm and make life feel lighter. Comedy movies are very effective in influencing one's mind, increasing blood flexibility so that blood circulation becomes smooth.

The expression of someone who has just watched a comedy movie can be seen from his light steps and radiant face even though his eyes look tired. Some even smiled a little and laughed to themselves when they remembered funny scenes. Some even came out limp, because they laughed too much!

Expression after watching a romantic movie


Someone who has just watched a drama or romantic genre movie is usually a bit emotional, some are confused, and not a few feel that the story they have just watched represents the feelings they are experiencing.

Drama films often bring us involved in the storyline. Get excited if there are romantic scenes, and be touched if there are sad scenes. And they hope that the characters in the drama film will become real in everyday life.

If you watch with your partner, it will look more intimate. As if they got new ideas for a deeper relationship. The romantic atmosphere in the movie will carry over to the relationship, and feel closer to each other.

Expression after watching a horror movie


After watching a horror movie, usually, the face looks a bit tense, because the brain is still playing some scary scenes that it has just watched. The body feels a little weak, but the breath is gradually normal as if just releasing the torturous tension.

The scary scenes will continue to disturb the brain for the next few hours. There are even up to several days. Especially if you're alone, in a quiet place. There is a feeling of anxiety if the ghost he watched earlier or yesterday will appear in front of him. ***

Author: Yayok Sucahyo Widi

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